Burn Baby, Burn
date : 2011
size : 8½” x 11½”
medium : collage
notes : Echoing the line from Vietnam in its title, juxtaposed with an apeing of 1970s petrol station ‘special offers’ in the text, this powerful image may initially appear as humourous, or even too cutting, yet has serious intent behind its creation. The artist felt the need to express his shock and sadness at the extreme measures being taken by Buddhist holy people.
comment : “Hopefully the title will help to put this piece into its intended context. There is something seriously wrong when monks and nuns feel that the only choice that they have is to make the ultimate sacrifice, and self-immolate. A shocking image? It needs to be. I find the reality far more shocking. Perhaps the story would gain more coverage were it to be ‘marketed’ like a special offer at a garage. There is nothing frivolous or disrespectful about this piece.”